Little Wanderers NYC found a 10-week-old Bagel, that is, a kitten with that name, who was struggling on the streets of Flatbush, Brooklyn. Fortunately, the skittish calico cutie had a woman/guardian angel checking on her and offering food so she wouldn’t starve. But then, the woman noticed the kitten develop a strange head tilt. At that point, she reached out for help and it’s a good thing she did!
Little Wanderers and Paws of Hope NYC volunteers worked together to catch the shy kitten in a humane trap. Later, a vet determined the “sweet, sensitive” kitten’s head tilt was due to a “severe” ear infection. So Bagel was probably in a lot of discomfort and pain and needed immediate treatment.
“A couple of weeks ago, her feeder noticed her head tilt which was getting worse, day by day, but she couldn’t find anyone to help. She reached out to us,” they said.
Images and media via Instagram/littlewanderersnyc
Bagel Gets the Help She Needs Just in Time
Days later, Little Wanderers shared that Bagel recovered thanks to treatment. Other tests found she was negative for Felv/FIV, and she also got her vaccines. Later, she would be spayed and ready for adoption. But her foster mom would need to teach her that people are safe to trust and socialize her for her new life as a cute companion.
“After we vetted her, it was determined that her head tilt was due to a bad ear infection that was never treated. Can you Imagine the discomfort she felt? She is only 11 months old. She’s on the mend now after being loaded up with medications. Thank goodness,” they said.
Bagel’s foster mom Courtney said the kitten loved having her ears rubbed as her ears no longer hurt. You can see her eye opening back up as the infection cleared.
“‘She’s super sweet, loves snuggles and ear rubs. And she loves to play and watch you.’ What more can you ask for?” they said.
Foster Mom Patiently Loves Kitten
In a follow-up video, the rescuers shared a cute video of Courtney, who patiently socialized her foster Bagel.
“Patience has long been a virtue that we all strive for. By being patient, we learn from our mistakes, become better at what we do, and eventually achieve the greatness we’ve been striving for all along. By being patient, baby kitten Bagel has become a confident young cat that is truly enjoying being an indoor kitty.”
With lots of love and patience, it looks like the kitten couldn’t get enough of her foster mom.
“She was rescued from a Brooklyn backyard with a severe head tilt and after treatment for an ear infection, she’s on the mend. Her foster mom socialized her. She patiently waited for this kitten to come around, and she did! This morning she can’t get enough! Look at her loving up on foster mom Courtney.”
Little Wanderers in NYC
Rescue angels at Little Wanderers NYC and Paws of Hope stay busy helping cats struggling to survive in the most underserved areas of NYC (the Bronx, Harlem, and Northern Manhattan). They also manage many hundreds of feral colonies and TNR (trap, neuter, return) to control overpopulation.
“As a small volunteer group, we are constantly overwhelmed by the work that needs to be done but seeing how drastically these cats’ lives are improved (and how much joy they bring to those who adopt them) makes all the hard work more than worth it,” they write.
“Pez is much happier laying in beds indoors than laying on heating grates outdoors. We were thrilled to rescue him. Pez is content,” via Facebook.
You can find out more about volunteering, adopting, fostering, donating, and more on their website, Facebook, and Instagram. Brooklyn-based Paws of Hope NYC is on Instagram and Facebook.