In late August, Ashley’s Kitten Academy rescuers welcomed the ‘Moo Cow litter’ of kittens. Founder Ashely Morrison took the kittens in, and they included two incredible tuxedo kittens, Bessy and Angus. These two have the prettiest black and white patterns, like Dairy cows, but with long flowing locks.

The Moo Cow Litter. Images and media via Instagram/youngestoldcatlady
Right away, Morrison was smitten with the tuxie cows with their flowing black and white tendrils of hair, whiskers, and sparkling eyes. And who wouldn’t be?
“This brother and sister pair…. Oh my. I’m a sucker for tuxedos 🥲”
The gorgeous Bessy and Angus obviously got their names for cows. But have you ever seen such breathtakingly cute moo-moo’s before?!
An inquisitive Bessy sitting on the windowsill looks like a fantasy kitten conjured by a skilled illustrator, but she’s real.
In another shot, we see Bessie and Angus after a bath. The soaked kittens are scraggly without all that flowing fluff.
“It was bath day for Bessy and Angus. Poor things look pathetic when all their fluff is gone 😂”
The Moo Cows Stick ‘Em Up
Next, we see Bessy playing a game with Morrison that might remind you of Cole and Marmalade’s first popular video. It was of Little Baby Cole playing ‘Stick ’em up,’ with Jessica.
And the Cole and Marmalade video with a recently added extended cut:
Moo Cows Ready For a Life on the Farm
By early September, it was already time for Bessie and Angus to be spayed and neutered. That means these cows would soon be looking for a furever home/farm. But first, they needed to reach 2 pounds.
“I look over to see Bessy laying like this outside the litter box. 🤪 She is the most scraggly little thing.”
First, the Moo Cow siblings needed another vet checkup for upset tummies, and they rode together in the cutest wagon.
Back at home, Bessy decided she wanted to become part of the couch.
“Why sleep on the couch, when you can become one WITH the couch.”
Meanwhile, Angus appeared dapper all decked out in a monocle, mustache, and top hat.
By October, Bessie and Angus were ready to find homes, looking even fluffier with the longest ear tufts.
“They kept growing, but their ear fluff grew faster lol 😍,” wrote Morrison.
Their ear tufts are so long, it looks like they might take flight.
“I didn’t have to help them off the chair, they just used their ear fluff to fly off. 🐱”
Bessy and Angus Together Furever
Then, one day, it was time to say goodbye to the bonded Moo Cows. Happily, they remained like two cows in a pod.
“Bessy and Angus go home tomorrow.”
For more, you can follow the Youngest Old Cat Lady on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Now, these gorgeous kittens are having the greatest time in their new home with their mom Kathy. They settled in very fast to lives of luxury as they deserved.
“Breakfast ☑️
Play ☑️
Nap ☑️ Lunch ☑️ Play ☑️ Nap ☑️
We are feeling very productive today.”
“Mama you can’t get up yet – Angus needs a belly rub!!”