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One day, a tiny grey kitten showed up on a family farm in South Carolina where rambunctious goats lived. Immediately, the kitten took to the goats like he was one of them, and he earned the name, GG or Gray Goat. As the goats spring around a specially created sanctuary, the kitten plays and naps with them.

Interestingly, it was like this little imposter goat was meant to be there at just the right time.

“GG acts just like the goats, and we think he believes he is a goat,” said Jan Goswick.

As the farm owner Goswick relates in Bored Panda, GG showed up right after the heartbreaking loss of one of their first beloved goats, Marvin. Left behind, their other goat, Peanut, was very lonely. Goswick feared he would die from the grief, knowing goats are sensitive social creatures who need to be with others of their kind. 

GG the Gray Goat Appears

Things just didn’t feel the same, even after Goswick purchased two baby goats to give Peanut company. Soon after, GG, the kitten, showed up out of nowhere. At first, Goswick thought he was a stuffed toy, only to see him scamper off when she tried to pick him up. Later, the kitten returned and made himself at home with the goats. As he did, he seemed to have healed Peanut’s heart and hers, too. 

“He followed them everywhere they went, played with them, teased them, and would sleep with them at night. It wasn’t until GG showed up, that Peanut started acting like his old self again,” Boswick said.

GG the Gray Goat plays with goats on blue chair

After checking with neighbors, nobody knew where GG came from. So, the family happily adopted him. Deep down, Goswick feels the kitten came to help mend their hearts.

 “I know in my heart he was meant to mend my heart and Peanut’s as well,” she said.

GG the cat

 Mending Hearts

For weeks, GG avoided the humans until one day, Goswick was overcome with grief. Now, Peanut was very sick from bloat, and she was worried he wouldn’t make it. As she cried, GG climbed up to her and laid down on her chest. Fortunately, Peanut made a full recovery. Afterward, the kitten remained friendly with the couple but preferred to stay with the goats, sneaking into their pen each night.

GG the cat looking silly

Later, GG required veterinary care for an eye infection, and they determined the cat needed to stay indoors. He missed his goat friends and could only watch from the window, but the family adopted another cat, Pickles, who became his new buddy.

GG the cat with the goats

One day, the family hopes to build an enclosure so GG can be outside with the goats again. But for now, he watches from the window and visits inside with the baby goats as the tribe grows.

The family created a GoFundMe page to help raise funds for GG’s outdoor enclosure and to pay for the goats’ extremely expensive ongoing veterinary care in South Carolina.

Meanwhile, GG’s antics running free with “the boys” captivate a growing fanbase on TikTok and Instagram. Their wonderful story was also featured on The Dodo. (see below)

Images and media via Instagram: jangoswick

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