
Woman Desperately Searches For Lost Stuffed Tabby Cat

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To many of us, we all have something of sentimental value. This item, person, even animal is so precious to us we’d do anything to protect it and always have it in our lives. Losing something that precious can be devastating. This is exactly what happened to one woman who lost her precious stuffed cat.

In Agawam, Massachusetts a woman is asking for the community’s help after losing her stuffed cat. How did this happen? Her husband accidentally donated the stuffie. Mary Kirk, owner of the stuffed cat, said that inside a tote bag that was donated to Saver’s in West Springfield, Massachusetts, was her orange tabby. The orange tabby stuffed cat from Build-A-Bear was mistakenly placed in the bag.

Most people would say, why not buy another one? The internet is full of different Build-A-Bears. This particular stuffed cat has lots of sentimental value to Mary since inside the cat is a vial of her father’s ashes. If that was by stuffie, I’d want it back ASAP too! Now Mary is seeking the help of the surrounding community and news viewers to help her track down her cat.

“This cat is really special,” said Kirk.

Stuffed Cat with Ashes Needs to be Returned Soon!

There is a bit of a rush on this, since Kirk and her husband are getting ready to move south. We’re betting the husband feels awful about it, but mistakes happen.

The ashes were placed inside the cat since the cat was given to Kirk’s son when he was a child. Kirk’s son, now 22, had the cat ever since. Kirk’s father, Paul Mellinger, passed away coming on four years now on March 31, 2018.  

“It’s not the cat, it’s the fact that my father had bought the cat for my 22-year-old son when he was little,” she explained. We took some of my fathers in ashes a little bottle and we had it put inside so that way part of my father would always be with my son,” Kirk said.

Kirk’s son, Mellinger’s grandson, even carries on the family name with his first and last name.

“He’s the only grandson that my dad had and they were really really, really close,” she said.

Kirk has been in touch with Savers’ employees ever since, and the tabby has yet to turn up. Employees are even keeping a strong eye out to find the cat.

“It’s a tabby cat. I think they’re like 15 inches…Orange, has white face, white on the paws…If it has been sold, nobody knows what they have,” she said.

Currently, employees are not sure if the cat is still in their possession or if the stuffed animal was sold. If you are reading this article and you happen to be the owner of this toy cat matching the description of:

  • 15 inches
  • Orange cat
  • White face and white on the paws

Please contact the Western Massachusetts News at tips@westernmassnews.com. We hope your cat, and the ashes of our father, will be returned soon Mary!

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By |2022-03-28T10:08:28-04:00March 28th, 2022|Categories: Education, Mews, Videos|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Woman Desperately Searches For Lost Stuffed Tabby Cat

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About the Author:

Shaina is a 3-time college graduate with a BA, MA, and MFA in English and Professional/Creative Writing. She is an adjunct professor as well as a local professional actress, director, and gaming streamer as Jokergurl Gaming. Her expertise is in Batman lore and Medieval history as well as Colonial American/French history.
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