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Even the most experienced cat servant knows things can be tricky when it’s time to give medication to a cat. It takes a lot of know-how, but fortunately, folks are willing to share what they’ve learned. For example, here’s the story of a diabetic cat, the adorable orange “lion” Rylie.

His meowms shares how to make each day more pleasant for a cat like him. When it’s time for his twice-daily injections, he doesn’t protest. Instead, he actually looks forward to it!

“🛩 Waiting at Calgary airport to go back home to Vancouver to see my brothers! 😻😺” via Instagram.

This Is Rylie, Feline Diabetes, Diabetic Cat, Insulin, Samantha McConnell and Melanie Eng, Ryercat, cat toothbrushes, diabetes injections, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, Airport picture

Images and media via Instagram/ This Is Rylie

A Mysterious Allergic Rash Led to Diabetes

On May 24, 2023, the vet diagnosed Rylie, then a two-year-old kitty, with diabetes. It all started when he suddenly developed rashes and bumps inside his ears that spread to his face. Unfortunately, a steroid treatment for the rashes seems to have led to to steroid-induced diabetes. 

After multiple vet visits, they discovered his sugar levels were high. On top of that, he has severe allergies with no clear cause. And no dermatologist or vet could explain why he continues to have the rashes, which come and go.

It was sadly one of many events that turned the family’s life upside-down. Around the same time, they said goodbye to his best friend, 6-year-old feline brother, Henry.

The cats’ meowms, Samantha McConnell and Melanie Eng, had previously developed their own brand of cat toothbrushes and toothpaste called Ryercat to help manage Henry’s ongoing dental health needs. 

Video via Instagram/This is Rylie 

Learning to Care For a Diabetic Cat 

Fortunately, McConnell’s experience as a registered nurse in dental anesthesia for humans helped. And a Facebook support group also helped as they navigated a steep learning curve.

Each day, they closely monitor his blood levels and give him twice-daily insulin injections.

“🩸Numbers looking good tonight right before PM insulin injection 😺 ” they shared.

This Is Rylie, Feline Diabetes, Diabetic Cat, Insulin, Samantha McConnell and Melanie Eng, Ryercat, cat toothbrushes, diabetes injections, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, cat with diabetes monitors

As they gained experience, they learned how to make it all as comfortable and routine as possible.

This Is Rylie, Feline Diabetes, Diabetic Cat, Insulin, Samantha McConnell and Melanie Eng, Ryercat, cat toothbrushes, diabetes injections, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, cat with blood monitor for diabetes, 2

At first, giving the shots could cause real anxiety for the caregiver and cat. Yet with experience, it was nothing to worry about.

Melanie Eng with diabetic cat

Melanie Eng with Rylie via Instagram/this_is_rylie

Now, Riley takes his shots like a champ! Wonderfully, rather than dreading the experience, he enjoys all the attention and treats. As soon as he sees the shot, he associates it with wonderful things to come. Although he feels the poke, he handles the pressure so gracefully.

Feline Diabetes, Diabetic Cat, Insulin, Samantha McConnell and Melanie Eng, Ryercat, cat toothbrushes, diabetes injections, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, cat looks at insulin injection shot

“💉 Insulin time twice a day is part of my daily routine for the past year! My meowms have made this such a pawsitive experience for me as you can see me walking over to get my injection as soon as meowm says ‘insulin time🙀😸!’ My tail straight up in the air 😺 Although I am starting to feel the pokes more now, I still tolerate it and know lots love and treats are coming my way! ❤️” they shared.

Video via Instagram/this_is_rylie

One day, the family hopes that Rylie’s diabetes and rashes will go into remission for good. And we send them lots of love and purrs and wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Until then, they’re sharing their diabetic journey and it’s helping so many others out there!

This Is Rylie, Feline Diabetes, Diabetic Cat, Insulin, Samantha McConnell and Melanie Eng, Ryercat, cat toothbrushes, diabetes injections, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, cat with blood monitor for diabetes

A GoFundMe to help them cover the extremely high costs of care has raised over $3.7K with a $16K goal.

Feline Diabetes, Diabetic Cat, Insulin, Samantha McConnell and Melanie Eng, Ryercat, cat toothbrushes, diabetes injections, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Melanie Eng cuddles Rylie after his daily routine.

As you can see in the video below, this diabetic cat is living his best life with his loving meowms by his side.

“Tomorrow, we are off to the vet again to check for kidney, liver, blood and urine sample levels and of course now my rashes. I already know nothing can be done about these rashes and we just have to wait it out again. My meowms are pretty sure it is something environmental in the air🌲. In the meantime, as you can see, I am still a normal happy kitty that loves to eat, play, drink, sleep and look super cute 😽 This space donut isn’t going to stop me from living my life 😌”

You can follow Rylie and fam on Instagram and Ryercat on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.






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