When rescuers entered a Brooklyn-area warehouse to save 11 cats and kittens, they came across Phillip, the sweetest love bug trying his best to survive.
At the warehouse where management didn’t want the cats, they were being “starved out” with no access to food they were accustomed to. Rescuers surely expected to find some scared and fearful kitties, but not Phillip. Nope, he came a’ running when they called for him from across the warehouse.
“Hi baby!” the rescuer called, making friendly cat sounds to assure him.

Phillip the sweet warehouse cat comes when rescuers call. Images and media via Instagram/Greenpoint Cats
As Phillip got closer, you could see he was still a little scared. But soon he was getting pets and settled into his temporary home with apparent ease. If only all rescues could go this smoothly, but it usually takes a lot of time for such cats to realize they are safe with people who love them. That’s particularly true with cats contending with neglect.
“[Phillip] is one of [many] cats that we were asked to rescue from a warehouse where they are living in terrible conditions and are unwanted by management,” the rescue shared. “Phillip was underweight, dehydrated, and absolutely infested with fleas. He’s feeling better already, and tomorrow will be neutered and vaccinated at the ASPCA, and then to foster! He’s around 4 years old and will be available soon for adoption,🐈” they said.
Video below via Greenpoint Cats:
Saving Phillip and the Warehouse Cats
Phillip was one of 11 cats and kittens rescuers from Greenpoint Cats safely trapped in the warehouse. As rescuers so often do, they teamed up with fellow rescuers, in this case, Puppy Kitty NYCity.
As they all set about trapping the cats, they found another big friendly tuxedo cat and a litter of sick kittens with bad eye infections.

Rescuers from Puppy Kitty NYCity with rescued friendly kitty. Images and video via Instagram/Puppy Kitty NYCity
Living in the warehouse, their mother was malnourished, so her kittens were very weak and exposed to other sick kitties. It’s what happens to so many kittens across the country and why TNR (trap, neuter, return) efforts are vital to preventing the cycle from continuing.
They also found a friendly mama cat who was pregnant, so she would give birth in foster care and fare much better.
Then, they introduce Phillip, the cutie who was very chatty in his kennel.
“He’s so handsome,” they said.
Fostering Changes Lives
After bringing all the cats and kittens into the rescue, they worked to “unbox” them and begin learning which were friendly and which would probably remain feral. Then, they would need fosterers to take in the cats, a constant challenge for rescuers in the big city. You can learn more about the rescue’s social media and learn about fostering if you’re in the Middle Village, Queens area.
They also took in another senior cat Asher, who was just “dying for love” and cuddling with them. He later found a loving foster home.
“Fostering really changes lives and saves lives,” they said.
Fostering Cats in NYC
The rescuers shared an adorable video of all the things their fosterers do for their furbabies. One cat dad turned his man cave into a foster room.
“We have some amazing foster homes! We are so thankful for all those who take our cat in till they find forever homes! What’s your favorite thing to do for your foster cats? We hope this will inspire some more people to foster!”
You can follow Puppy Kitty NYCity on Instagram and Facebook. Follow Greenpoint Cats on Instagram and Facebook.
Video via Puppy Kitty NYCity: