Normally, we always try to have lovely kitten and adult kitty stories for you. While we love our feel-good rescue stories reuniting purrfect floofs with humans, this story is a little different.

Image via Facebook/All Natural Arts
For the Love of Cardboard and Recyclable Materials
Art is just one way we express our passion for all things. We use different art mediums like drawing, painting, and sculpting to create extraordinary masterpieces. There are art pieces made from items like butter sculptures, paintings, and drawings of our feline friends. But have you ever seen a sculpture made out of cardboard?
This lovely cardboard sculpture is called Devotion made by All Natural Arts creators Sue Beatrice and Andy Gertler. All Natural Arts specialize in creating works of art from sustainable and recyclable materials. They create some of the artwork with pumpkins, old watch parts, metals, cement, and clay. If you’re a fan of the show Halloween Wars, you’ve seen Sue’s pumpkin carving work. And they certainly do have a love for our kitty friends!
Wood carvings, clay, and pumpkins are one thing, but cardboard is an entirely separate ‘animal’ in itself. This newest sculpture Sue created with Andy depicts two lions, male and female, rubbing their faces together in a show of love.
How Was It Made?
“Devotion ~ This sculpture of a loving pair of life-sized lions was created entirely out of cardboard with the exception of a bit of wood in the base for stability,” they shared on Facebook. “Like many of you, we accumulate tons of boxes from shipments of online purchases. It turns out that cardboard is a lovely medium to work with. The forms are all made from cut boxes and the surface is covered with torn bits of paper bags. This sculpture was created without making paper pulp.”
Just look at those smooth lines and intricate detail. The two lions are life-size! And the only wood involved is in the base for stability. But how, and why, did this sculpture come to be? Well, All Natural Arts get a lot of cardboard boxes from buying online purchases. Rather than just throwing out the boxes, the artistic minds of Sue and Andy found a way to use them as their chosen media.
So how is it put together? Amazingly, the artists use good ole’ Elmer’s glue and a trusty glue gun. The artists say that the sculpture started from the inside out: first the basic skulls, then the muscles, then the fur.
As you can see, All Natural Arts proves you can create beautiful work out of just about anything! And their ravings on Facebook can back up that fact.
“STUNNING. I keep telling my grands that really cool stuff can be made from paper and cardboard as well as many other bits of ‘trash.’ They just look at me like I’ve grown another head and walk away. Just don’t understand”-Carla Johnson
“No matter what you do, it’s amazing. Turning a common material into uncommon art.”-Betty Fikes Pillsbury
And just look at this lion below, all made from macaroni. Sort of puts those all old grade school art projects we did to shame doesn’t it?
“Art can be made with almost anything you have at your disposal. Elbow macaroni isn’t just for stringing on a necklace!” they shared.
Lionardo Da Vinci
And here’s “Lionardo DaVinci,”a pumpkin version of the famed renaissance artist done for Halloween 2022.
“Introducing Lionardo DaVinci! Our pumpkin version of this renaissance artist is working on his masterpiece. The canvas is a pumpkin section that was as flat as we could find. I etched the interior of the slab to represent the painting. The colors on the palette are all pumpkin and squash rind, even the lavender hue! The white rind is from a small decorative ghost pumpkin. We used orange rind for a pop of color on his hat, tail, nose, eyes, and paintbrush handles,” they shared.
All photos by All Natural Arts/Facebook.