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A pet rat named Sky and her rescued cat siblings prove that cats and rats can be friends sometimes, however unlikely it may be. Sky lives in Québec, Canada, with rescued cat Arthur the tuxie and friends.

On TikTok, a “rat attack” video has gone viral, showing Sky fearlessly following Arthur, the tuxedo cat. It reminded many of Tom and Jerry cartoons. However, in this cartoon, the rodent pursues the cat. Fans of the show know that Jerry the clever mouse always gets the upper hand over his pursuer Tom the cat.

In this home, they have gradually allowed the pet rat Sky and the cats to become acquainted. Generally, this type of pairing could end in disaster for the rat. (So, we DO NOT recommend trying this at home!)

As the cat walks along, Sky the rat follows on his heels and gets underneath Arthur’s feat. At that point, the cat puts the rat in her place, giving her a love bite right on the head.  

Arthur the cat and Sky the rat

Screenshot via TikTok/skyandherfriends

“The little gentle bite to pet him know he was annoyed 😭 so cuteee,” said one viewer.

“But she NEVER understands 😂” responds the TikToker.

Finally, Arthur carefully steps over Sky and jumps away to the couch. Next, an undeterred Sky tries his best to follow, making a startling leap.

“Sky the terror.”

Video via TikTok/skyandherfriends

Comments About Sky and Her Feline Friends

In the comments, someone asked the question we’d all like to know.

“How did your cat learn to be with the rats? Is the cat naturally friendly?” they asked.

“Honestly don’t know; they just got along since day one. He knows I love my rats so he’s gentle with them,” replied TikToker Rachelle Létourneau.

“When he grabs his head, “I will end you”! LOL,” commented another person.

“He actually likes [his] little annoying sister lol. he does that to let her know he’s annoyed and she needs to stop. But she won’t EVER stop 😂😈” replied the content creator.

Rat attack

Others commented that Arthur treated the rat like a kitten, very gently by the scruff.

“Is it me or did the cat try to grab the rat by the scruff of the neck like it would a kitten?” asked one viewer.

“Yes, one of my cats takes it to bring it to bed and sleep,” responded Létourneau.

Everyone is surprised when Sky takes to the air.

“Love the jump at the end 😂🥰,” someone commented.

“That little wiggle 🥺” replied Létourneau.

Homage to Tom and Jerry

After all the Tom and Jerry comments, another TikTok shows Arthur and Sky with cartoon theme music.

The Underrated Pet Rat

Some viewers pointed out that rats are generally underrated pets. Although they are associated with plague and sewers, they are intelligent, social, clean, and rarely bite unless provoked. People who love them are always singing their praises. 

“Rats are underrated animals, so cute and so intelligent. You can build a relationship with them and teach them,” they said.


Sky via Facebook

Létourne replied, saying that Sky lives in the home, and even uses the cats’ litter box!

In other TikToks, a rat is surprisingly friendly with other rescued cats in the home. It’s like the usual rules have been suspended here. Possibly, the cats have grown to see the pet rats like kittens?

As said before, mixing rats with cats is a risk most would not want to take with a pet. Those who have done it for years still advise close supervision at all times and knowing your individual pet’s personalities inside and out. Even then, they acknowledge it could end in heartbreak in a flash, so we couldn’t recommend it. But in this home, Arthur is trusted with the pet rats and seems to see them as fellow family members.

“Nature is beautiful ❤️”

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