Jakey, the “Werewolf” kitty, was found on the streets of Los Angeles. Right away, rescuers could see he had some special needs. Fortunately, he found expert help from foster Mom Mel and foster “Diddy” Zane, specialists in special needs rescues.

Images via Instagram/mellamprey
🌝🐺 Jakey the Little Werewolf 🐺🌝
When Jakey arrived, Mel could tell right away that he was a bit different with a heart-shaped cleft nose. Also, the one-pound kitten had an unusual asymmetrical face and skull shape. Plus, he had an eye infection, was vomiting, and seemed “a little off” mentally too. However, after veterinary care, she hoped he would be ok as they gave him love and support. Eventually, he would require a visit with a hydrocephalus specialist regarding his skull shape, seen in the X-ray below.
A few days later, Jakey (Known then as Jacob) appeared on Instagram as if he was giving a little wave. As you can see, the tiny foster werewolf is just too cute for words.
A few days later, Jakey responds as a werewolf might to getting his daily medicine.
“The look I get when he’s knows it’s about to be medicine time….🙄 Soooo dramatic this guy…”
Below, you can see the cutie getting some affection in a video.
Soon, the tiniest werewolf was gaining weight and becoming more and more active. Below, you can see Jakey wishing everyone a happy Fourth of July.
Then, he appeared for International Cat Day in his colorful play tunnel. What a face!
“Sorry I have the cutest heart-nosed foster in the world right now!!🤷🏼♀️😛”
Heart-Shaped Nose Kisses Every Day
By September, Jakey was much bigger and enjoying his “mandatory 57 nose kisses a day.”
Jakey Has Oral Surgery
In early October, it was time for Jakey’s mouth correction surgery to help with the problems with his fang teeth, which were misaligned. In one case, his bottom fang was puncturing his mouth’s upper palette. Fortunately, he pulled through but an infection set back his recovery. However, he was receiving lots of care and affection.
“Jakey might be the king of weird faces and unflattering photos. 🤣 But …he gets double the kisses because of it!”
A Long Road to Recovery
For four weeks, Jakey the werewolf had a tough time recuperating. On one of his repeated visits, a veterinarian discovered the kitten was allergic to all sutures. However, he came through it all. Now, you can really see his trademark “giant lizard eyes.”
“This boy has been through so much and is still the sweetest, most innocent angel you could meet. ✨”
An Impossible to Forget Foster Werewolf
In January, Mel shared the news: Jakey was being adopted by an “amazing family” after recovering from another oral surgery. It was a bittersweet moment as she prepared herself to say goodbye.
“I think we all know how much Jakey has been my special baby since his first day in rescue. And now he’s finally ready to be someone else’s best boy. ❤️”
“(Someone send me 10 bottles of wine and 5 boxes of tissue stat),” Mel wrote on Instagram.
After his successful surgery, Mel was soaking up all the love from the “cutest werewolf ever!”
“I’m soaking up all the Jakey I can right now….the silly expressions, the ridiculous hopping around the house after the other cats, and our nightly cuddle sessions. ❤️ He will be one of those fosters that is just IMPOSSIBLE to forget,” she wrote.
In a special tribute video, she shares the story of Jakey the Werewolf, the “foster boy we loved so much!” Now, he is in a loving home where he will always get the attention he needs. Meanwhile, Mel and Zane care for many other special needs kitties like the amazing Pinocchio.
To see more, follow mellamprey on Instagram where you can donate to help save special cats like Jakey.