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Often times when we think of animals getting the zoomies, it’s typically canines. But as us cat keepers know, our feline friends can get the zoomies, too! Cats are known by all for their quirky antics, but there is a science behind this funny scurry that our cats do that we appropriately call the “zoomies”.

You know how it looks, your cat suddenly starts racing around the room as if they are controlled by a crazy motor or acting like they would should they be feeling the catnip vibes. A lot of times, this behavior occurs after your cat has made a deposit of the #2 kind in their litter box. Let’s take a closer look at why this silly and adorable behavior occurs.

Cats are also known to do the zoomies at random, and sometimes after eating, but most often we see this funny behavior happen post-poop.

Here are our theories on why your cat gets the zoomies after he poops…

1. Survival Mode!

In the wild, a cat is vulnerable while they are doing their business. So they might be quick to scurry off zoomie style post-poop as a method of survival. Sure, in your home they aren’t susceptible to predators lurking around the corner out to get them, but this instinctual behavior is deep-rooted in their feline DNA. Poop and run, humans!

Photo: Cole and Marmalade – Cole camouflaging himself

2. I Do What I Want!

Your cat might actually drop the deuce to show off that they can poop with no consequences. You clean it, not me, yipee! Cats aren’t spiteful creatures by any means (although silly dog lovers might be convinced otherwise), but they might be flexing their independence and the fact that they can poop and go as they please only for you (their simple human) to come and tidy their box up afterwards. Clearly, cats were once worshipped and they haven’t let go of this in the backs of their minds!

Others have also speculated that cats are also showing their independence from their mothers when they do this. When they were small kittens, their mother would clean their backside for them post-bathroom break, and now since that no longer happens, they might scurry off into a zoomie to show that they are grown now and don’t need their mommy to care for them. Watch me, I’m a big kid now!

3. Scientific Reasoning

Humans and cats are both mammals, and as it turns out, we both share a similarity when it comes to our nerve structure in our rears. Both humans and cats have a vagus nerve running from their brain stem, and in both species, this nerve can be stimulated by defecation, leading to what some have called “poo-phoria”. This term is used to describe a pleasurable sensation which can range from feelings of exhilaration to elation.

We might not choose to scurry across the room, but we all can agree that we feel a sense of satisfaction post-bathroom duties. Your cat, however, chooses to express their joy by running across the room in a post-poop zoomie!

4. Is Kitty in Pain?

Cats are highly intelligent creatures. If there is something near their rectum (such as an anal fissure) or in their colon (think inflammation or digestive woes) causing them pain, it could make it difficult for them to do their usual deed. As a result, this stress can cause them to “run” from their pain as a means to disassociate from it. Pay close attention and listen if there are any screeches or strange meowing sounds associated with the zoomie they make post-poop. If so, then a trip to the vet is in order to get them checked out as soon as possible.

Many cats don’t seem in distress at all when they are scurrying and zoomie-ing about post-poop. You can just take it as a telltale sign that they are happy and experiencing joy! But if for any reason they seem distressed, confused, or in pain, it’s important to seek medical attention. It’s important to get to the bottom of the underlying issue causing them mental and physical duress.

We love our cats for all the entertaining behaviors they display, and zoomies are certainly one of them!


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